Geometry for teachers II
Course 7412075 Section 01, Fall 2020
Tuesdays 13:00 - 13:50, Thursdays 15:00 - 16:50, Room: eCampus
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Mondays 17:00--17:50 at E1-1 #110 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF
2020-12-20: Letter grades have been submitted. Happy Holidays!
2020-11-25: Final exam announcement The detail has been posted below.
2020-11-09: Check out Homework #6, #7, #8 from below.
2020-10-18: Check out Homework #5 below.
2020-10-03: Here is a very nice collection of math videos. Link Please watch Chapter 1 and Chapter 9. You might want to watch other chapters as well as you learn more about geometry and topology.
2020-10-03: Check out Homework #4 below.
2020-09-28: Please read an email announcement concerning issues with the attendance collecting system of the CBNU eCampus. If you want to claim your attendance which was not collected through the system, please fill out this google form.
2020-09-27: Check out Homework #3 below.
2020-09-13: Check out Homework #2 below.
2020-09-09: Homework #1 has been posted below.
2020-09-03: If you have any issue with CBNU eCampus online attendance system, please report that to me by email by September 5th 18:00.
2020-09-01: Welcome!
Problems are taken from end-of-section exercises.
Homework #1 11 problems. Due Date: September 22nd.
Exercise 1.2. in p.13 #3, 8, 13
Exercise 1.3. in p.15 #3, 7, 8
Exercise 1.5. in p.22 #1, 3
Exercise 1.7. in p.30 #2, 5, 8
Homework #2 10 problems. Due Date: September 29th.
Exercise 2.1. in p.45 #1, 2a, 2c, 3
Exercise 2.2. in p.48 #4, 5c, 5d, 6
Exercise 2.3. in p.51 #1, 3
Homework #3 4 problems. Due Date: October 12th.
Exercise 2.4. in p.55 #1, 3
Exercise 2.5. in p.61 #1, 2
Homework #4 7 problems. Due Date: October 19th.
Exercise 3.1. in p.68 #1, 2, 3
Exercise 3.2. in p.71 #2
Exercise 3.3. in p.73 #3
Exercise 3.4. in p.75 #1, 2
Homework #5 9 problems. Due Date: November 2nd.
Exercise 3.5. in p.78 #1, 3, 4.
Exercise 3.6. in p.85 #1, 2, 4
Exercise 3.8. in p.93 #1, 2
Exercise 3.9. in p.94
Homework #6 7 problems. Due Date: November 20th.
Exercise 4.1. in p.104 #1, 3, 6
Exercise 4.2. in p.110 #2, 4, 5, 6
Homework #7 5 problems. Due Date: November 29th.
Exercise 4.4. in p.117 #2, 4, 6
Exercise 4.5. in p.123 #3, 5
Homework #8 5 problems. Due Date: Before the final exam.
Exercise 5.1. in p.135 #3
Exercise 5.2. in p.139 #1
Exercise 5.3. in p.140 #1
Exercise 5.4. in p.146 #1, 4
Exam Schedules
The final exam will be a take-home exam and will cover the entire material we covered. Please read Final exam policies. The take-home exam will be available on CBNU eCampus from December 10th (Thursday) 15:00 until December 11th (Friday) 14:59.
Take-Home Final Exam Cover Sheet. It starts on December 10th (Thursday) 15:00 and examinees have to submit answers and signed cover sheet until December 11th (Friday) 14:59.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage