Advanced Topics in History of Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Course 8996019 Section 01, Fall 2022
Mondays 18:00 - 20:50, Room: E1-1 #116
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Mondays 20:50--21:50 at E1-1 #110 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF
2022-12-21: Letter grades have been submitted. Happy Holidays!
2022-09-01: Announcements Please see the standard operation procedures for an absentism due to SARS-CoV-2. PDF
2022-09-01: Welcome!
Exam Schedules
No exams in this course.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage