Geometry for teachers I
Course 7412074 Section 01, Spring 2020
Mondays 15:00 - 16:50, Thursdays 15:00 - 15:50, Room: E1-2 #306
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Tuesdays 16:00--17:00 at E1-1 #110 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF
2020-07-05: Letter grades have been submitted. Enjoy your summer break.
2020-06-30: Your final exam papers have been graded. You are welcome to set up an appointment with me to review your graded paper and request corrections. (I advise you to do so.) Please finish the review process no later than 18:00 July 2nd, 2020. After this time, your final scores and final grades will not be changed for any reason.
2020-06-07: Homework #14 has been posted below. This one is for your practice and you do not have to hand it in. It does not get counted toward your credit.
2020-06-07: Homework #13 has been posted below.
2020-06-07: If you arrive early on the exam date, please use the waiting room. See the final exam information.
2020-06-07: Youtube videos Sessions 13-1, 13-2, 13-3, 14-1, 14-2, 14-3, 15-1 will be available on June 8th at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus. This completes lecture uploads in this course.
2020-05-31: The last day of class for this course is June the 26th (Friday), 18:00. All attendance claims and homeworks are due by this time. Whatever the reason is late homework/attendance claims will not be accepted after this time.
2020-05-31: Final exam announcement The detail has been posted below.
2020-05-31: Youtube videos Sessions 12-1, 12-2, 12-3 will be available on June 1st at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus.
2020-05-31: Homework #12 has been posted below.
2020-05-23: Youtube videos Sessions 11-1, 11-2, 11-3 will be available on May 25th at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus.
2020-05-23: Homework #11 has been posted below.
2020-05-18: Youtube videos Sessions 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 will be available today at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus.
2020-05-18: Homework #10 has been posted below.
2020-05-11: Youtube videos Sessions 9-1, 9-2, 9-3 will be available today at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus.
2020-05-11: Homework #9 has been posted below.
2020-05-04: Youtube videos Sessions 8-1, 8-2, 8-3 will be available today at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus.
2020-05-04: Homework #8 has been posted below.
2020-04-27: Youtube videos Sessions 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 will be available today at 15:00. Find links for video recordings from CBNU eCampus.
2020-04-26: Homework #7 has been posted below.
2020-04-22: Please find an announcement below on remote classes using Youtube videos.
2020-04-22: Please find an update in our plan for make-up lesson schedules due to a new Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak below.
2020-04-22: The recorded videos from this and the previous weeks' skype meetings are available on CBNU eCampus.
2020-04-20: Please find the Assignment for Week 6 from below.
2020-04-10: Please find the Assignment for Week 5 from below.
2020-04-09: The recorded video from this week's skype meeting is available on CBNU eCampus.
2020-04-06: Please find the Assignment for Week 4 from below.
2020-04-02: Please find an update in our plan for Assignment-based Classes below.
2020-03-31: Recorded videos from today's and March 19th skype meetings are available on CBNU eCampus.
2020-03-31: Please find an update in our plan for Assignment-based Classes below.
2020-03-29: Please find the Assignment for Week 3 from below.
2020-03-24: Please find an update in our plan for Assignment-based Classes below.
2020-03-22: In case we still do not meet in classroom by the due date of any homework, you do not have to come to school for only to hand-in your homework. You can either submit electronically or hand-in when we get to meet each other in classroom. As mentioned on syllabus, late homework are accepted equally. Please be aware of and cooperate in social distancing.
2020-03-22: Those who want a skype discussion session regarding Assignment for Week 2, please write an email to me to set up an appointment.
2020-03-22: Please find the Assignment for Week 2 from below.
2020-03-16: If you are interested in having a skype meeting, I will be available on this Thursday the 19th late afternoon for talking. Please email me your skype ID if you want to be in. No action is needed if you are okay with doing Assignment for Week 1.
2020-03-15: Please find the Assignment for Week 1 from below.
2020-03-07: Below in Assignment-based Classes, necessary items will be posted by March 16th 15:00. Please come back to this page around that time for any update. Around the same time, your reading materials will be posted in CBNU eCampus.
2020-03-07: Please see from below Updates and plan for Assignment-based Class due to a new Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak.
2020-03-07: Welcome!
Homework #1 9 problems. Due Date: March 31st.
An exercise in the lecture note pages 8--9.
Exercises in p.4 #1, 2, 3, 4
Exercises in p.7 #2, 3
Exercises in p.10 #3, 4
Homework #2 12 problems. Due Date: April 7th.
A question in the lecture note page 11.
Exercises in p.16 #1, 3
Exercises in p.20 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.22 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.24 #1, 2, 3
Homework #3 8 problems. Due Date: April 14th.
Exercises in p.27 #3, 4
Exercises in p.31 #2, 3
Exercises in p.33 #2, 3
Exercises in p.34 #1, 2
Homework #4 11 problems. Due Date: April 21st.
An exercise in the lecture note page 35.
Exercises in p.39 #2, 3
Exercises in p.42 #1, 2
Exercises in p.45 #2, 3
Exercises in p.47 #1, 2
Exercises in p.48 #1, 2
Homework #5 12 problems. Due Date: April 28th.
An exercise in the lecture note page 40.
An exercise in the lecture note page 41.
Exercises in p.50 #2, 3
Exercises in p.52 #1, 2
Exercises in p.53 #1, 2
Exercises in p.57 #1, 3
Exercises in p.59 #2, 3
Homework #6 16 problems. Due Date: May 5th.
Exercises in p.62 #1, 2
Exercises in p.63 #1, 2
Exercises in p.64 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.66 #2, 3
Exercises in p.68 #1, 2
Exercises in p.69 #1, 2
Exercises in p.72--73 Questions 1, 2, 3.
Homework #7 9 problems. Due Date: May 12th.
Exercises in p.81 #3
Exercises in p.82 #2, 3
Exercises in p.83 #1, 3
Exercises in p.85 #1, 2
Exercises in p.88 #1, 3
Homework #8 14 problems. Due Date: May 19th.
Exercises in p.92 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.93 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.97 #2, 3, 4
Exercises in p.97 (bottom) #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.100 #2, 3
Homework #9 7 problems. Due Date: May 26th.
Exercises in p.102 #1
Exercises in p.103 #1, 2
Exercises in p.108 #1, 2, 3, 4
Homework #10 8 problems. Due Date: June 2nd.
Exercises in p.113 #1, 2, 3, 4
Exercises in p.116 #1, 2, 3, 4
Homework #11 10 problems. Due Date: June 9th.
Exercises in p.123 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.128 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.129 #1, 2, 3, 4
Homework #12 10 problems. Due Date: June 16th.
Exercises in p.133 #1, 2
Exercises in p.135 #1, 2
Exercises in p.137 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.138 #1, 2, 3
Homework #13 12 problems. Due Date: June 22nd.
Exercises in p.141 #1, 3
Exercises in p.142 #1, 2
Exercises in p.143 #2, 3
Exercises in p.144 #2, 3
Exercises in p.146 #1, 3
Exercises in p.148 #1, 3
Homework #14 5 problems. No need to hand-in (not counted toward Homework score).
Exercises in p.184 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.187 #1, 3
Exam Schedules
Midterm Exam: Cancelled.
Final Exam: 22 June (Monday) at E1-2 Room 306, 15:00--16:50. (If you arrive early, please wait at E1-1 Room 140.)
- Coverage: All sections of the main textbook we have covered in this semester.
- Total 8 questions. There will be one set of True/False questions (Please note that you get full credit if you are correct, no credit for no answer, and negative of the assigned score if your answer to this question is incorrect.), 3 questions which are identical or directly related to homework problems, and remaining 4 questions are from those theories and examples discussed in class. This exam would gear toward giving advantages to those who were carefully following class discussions while keeping a good pace of doing homework.
The average was 61.14, standard deviation 19.26, and the maximum score achieved by a student 86.
Updates and plan for Assignment-based Class due to a new Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak
Following the decision of the university center, the first day of class has been deferred to March 16th. Also following another decision of the university, we shall not meet during the period March 16th to 28th and make-up those 6-contact hours by an "Assignment-based Class." See the course syllabus for details. Please stay tuned for any further updates which will be posted on the course webpage.
Update as of 2020-03-24: The university center has decided not to meet in classroom for an extra week. Accordingly, we shall not meet during the period March 29th to April 4th and continue our "Assignment-based Class" to make up additional 3 contact hours. In addition, there will be skype meetings on Thursdays March 26th and April 2nd at 16:00--17:00. Please check your email for a web link to the skype chatroom for this class.
Update as of 2020-03-30: The university center has decided not to meet in classroom for an extra week. Accordingly, we shall not meet during the period April 5th to April 11th and continue our "Assignment-based Class" to make up additional 3 contact hours. In addition, there will be skype meetings on Tuesdays March 31st (April 2nd 16:00--17:00 meeting rescheduled) and April 7th at 16:00--17:00. Please check your email for a web link to the skype chatroom for this class.
Update as of 2020-04-02: The university center has decided not to meet in classroom until April 25th. Accordingly, we shall not meet during the period April 12th to April 25th and continue our "Assignment-based Class" to make up additional 6 contact hours. In addition, skype meetings will be held on Tuesdays April 14th at 16:00--17:00 and April 21st at 16:00--17:00.
Update as of 2020-04-20: The university center has decided not to meet in classroom until the end of the semester. Accordingly, we shall not meet in classroom until the end of the semester. Following the result of the poll, from the week of April 27th, you will be provided links to Youtube videos. Please do not forget that the class runs as "Assignment-based Classes"' until April 26th. So you have to hand-in your Homework 1 to Homework 6 in order to claim your attendance for respective weeks. Those who have been holding onto their homework until the first in-class lecture must submit their homework either electronically or by a registered mail. Please find more details from an email that has been sent out. Following the decision of the university, the midterm exam has been cancelled and you will get the score 100% for your midterm exam.
Remote classes using Youtube videos (2020-04-22): Starting the week of April 27th, we shall have remote classes using video-recorded lectures posted on Youtube. The platform will be CBNU e-Campus (Blackboard) wherein you will be able to find Youtube video links. By April 27th 15:00, you will be provided video recordings of lectures for the first 3 contact hours. You will have to write an email as instructed via email with an answer key (provided in the video) for each contact hour. Please check your email for relevant policies.
Assignment-based Classes
Week 1: Read the main textbook from Sections 1.1 to 1.5 and complete Homework #1 above by the due date. Lecture notes and reading materials are available on CBNU e-Campus (blackboard). Skype meeting scheduled on March 19, 16:00.
Week 2: Read the main textbook from Sections 1.6 to 1.9 and complete Homework #2 above by the due date. Lecture notes and reading materials are available on CBNU e-Campus (blackboard). Skype meeting scheduled on March 26, 16:00.
Week 3: Read the main textbook from Sections 1.10 to 1.13 and complete Homework #3 above by the due date. Lecture notes and reading materials are available on CBNU e-Campus (blackboard). Skype meeting scheduled on March 31, 16:00.
Week 4: Read the main textbook from Sections 2.15 to 2.18 and complete Homework #4 above by the due date. Lecture notes and reading materials are available on CBNU e-Campus (blackboard). Skype meeting scheduled on April 7, 16:00.
Week 5: Read the main textbook from Sections 2.19 to 2.22 and complete Homework #5 above by the due date. Lecture notes and reading materials are available on CBNU e-Campus (blackboard). Skype meeting scheduled on April 14, 16:00.
Week 6: Read the main textbook from Sections 2.23 to 2.26 and complete Homework #6 above by the due date. Lecture notes and reading materials are available on CBNU e-Campus (blackboard). Skype meeting scheduled on April 21, 16:00.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage