Geometry for teachers I
Course 7412074 Section 01, Spring 2021
Mondays 14:00 - 15:50, Thursdays 14:00 - 14:50, Room: eCampus and E1-2 #306
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: By appointment -- due to COVID-19.
Syllabus: PDF
2021-06-21: Letter grades have been submitted. Enjoy your summer break.
2021-05-25: Final exam announcement The detail has been posted below.
2021-05-14: Homework #14 has been posted below. This one is for your practice and you do not have to hand it in. It does not get counted toward your credit.
2021-05-14: Homework #13 has been posted below.
2021-05-14: Homework #12 has been posted below.
2021-04-26: Homework #11 has been posted below.
2021-04-26: Homework #10 has been posted below.
2021-04-26: Homework #9 has been posted below.
2021-04-19: PBL project related: Find relevant details on your PBL project for this course below.
2021-04-11: Homework #8 has been posted below.
2021-04-11: Homework #7 has been posted below.
2021-03-21: Homework #6 has been posted below.
2021-03-21: Homework #5 has been posted below.
2021-03-21: The previously provided Session 11 video was identical to Session 10, and the error has been corrected as of 21.03.2021 19:00. Obviously if you have watched and got your attendance approved in prior to this update, your attendance is invalid and you have to watch the correct video for your attendance.
2021-03-19: Homework #4 has been posted below.
2021-03-19: Homework #3 has been posted below.
2021-03-09: Homework #2 has been posted below.
2021-03-02: Homework #1 has been posted below.
2021-03-01: Welcome!
Homework #1 9 problems. Due Date: March 14th.
An exercise on center of mass of a continuum given in the lecture.
Exercises in p.4 #1, 2, 3, 4
Exercises in p.7 #2, 3
Exercises in p.10 #3, 4
Homework #2 11 problems. Due Date: March 21st.
Exercises in p.16 #1, 3
Exercises in p.20 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.22 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.24 #1, 2, 3
Homework #3 8 problems. Due Date: March 28th.
Exercises in p.27 #3, 4
Exercises in p.31 #2, 3
Exercises in p.33 #2, 3
Exercises in p.34 #1, 2
Homework #4 10 problems. Due Date: April 4th.
Exercises in p.39 #2, 3
Exercises in p.42 #1, 2
Exercises in p.45 #2, 3
Exercises in p.47 #1, 2
Exercises in p.48 #1, 2
Homework #5 10 problems. Due Date: April 11th.
Exercises in p.50 #2, 3
Exercises in p.52 #1, 2
Exercises in p.53 #1, 2
Exercises in p.57 #1, 3
Exercises in p.59 #2, 3
Homework #6 16 problems. Due Date: April 18th.
Exercises in p.62 #1, 2
Exercises in p.63 #1, 2
Exercises in p.64 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.66 #2, 3
Exercises in p.68 #1, 2
Exercises in p.69 #1, 2
Exercises in p.72--73 Questions 1, 2, 3.
Homework #7 9 problems. Due Date: April 25th.
Exercises in p.81 #3
Exercises in p.82 #2, 3
Exercises in p.83 #1, 3
Exercises in p.85 #1, 2
Exercises in p.88 #1, 3
Homework #8 14 problems. Due Date: May 2nd.
Exercises in p.92 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.93 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.97 #2, 3, 4
Exercises in p.97 (bottom) #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.100 #2, 3
Homework #9 7 problems. Due Date: May 9th.
Exercises in p.102 #1
Exercises in p.103 #1, 2
Exercises in p.108 #1, 2, 3, 4
Homework #10 8 problems. Due Date: May 16th.
Exercises in p.113 #1, 2, 3, 4
Exercises in p.116 #1, 2, 3, 4
Homework #11 10 problems. Due Date: May 23rd.
Exercises in p.123 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.128 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.129 #1, 2, 3, 4
Homework #12 10 problems. Due Date: May 30th.
Exercises in p.133 #1, 2
Exercises in p.135 #1, 2
Exercises in p.137 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.138 #1, 2, 3
Homework #13 12 problems. Due Date: June 6th.
Exercises in p.141 #1, 3
Exercises in p.142 #1, 2
Exercises in p.143 #2, 3
Exercises in p.144 #2, 3
Exercises in p.146 #1, 3
Exercises in p.148 #1, 3
Homework #14 5 problems. No need to hand-in (not counted toward Homework score).
Exercises in p.184 #1, 2, 3
Exercises in p.187 #1, 3
Exam Schedules
Final Exam: 08 June (Tuesday) at E1-2 Room 306, 14:00--15:40.
- Coverage: All sections of the main textbook we have covered in this semester.
- Total 8 questions. There will be one set of True/False questions (Please note that you get full credit if you are correct, no credit for no answer, and negative of the assigned score if your answer to this question is incorrect.), 4 questions which are identical or directly related to homework problems, and remaining 3 questions are from those theories and examples discussed in class. This exam would gear toward giving advantages to those who were carefully following class discussions while keeping a good pace of doing homework.
Assessment of Project-Based Learning (PBL)
As announced in the syllabus, you must record a 20-minute long video lecture about one of the following:
(1) A sample lecture on any topic listed on the syllabus of this course.
(2) A sample lecture on a concept from secondary school geometry curricular.
You should submit the video in a form of a YouTube video link by choosing the sharing option "unlisted." Please use this form to submit your work.
Your video will be disclosed to your classmates in this course as a part of a YouTube playlist. You may turn your video into “private” or even delete the video after your letter grade for this course is assigned.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage