Introduction to Geometry

Course 7412645 Section 01, Spring 2025

Tuesdays 13:00 - 13:50, Thursdays 13:00 - 14:50, Room: E1-2 #306

Chungbuk National University

Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email:
Office Hours: Wednesdays 14:00--14:50 at E1-1 Room 110.
Syllabus: PDF


2025-03-01: Announcements Here are procedures specifying details in the dispute policies.
2025-03-01: Lecture notes will be made available on CBNU eCampus hopefully by the weekend of each class meeting.
2025-03-01: Welcome!



Exam Schedules


Assessment of Project-Based Learning (PBL)

For an extra credit, you should record a 20-minute long video lecture about one of the following:
(1) A sample lecture on any topic listed on the syllabus of this course.
(2) A sample lecture on a concept from secondary school geometry curricular.

You should submit the video in a form of a YouTube video link by choosing the sharing option "unlisted." Please use this form to submit your work.

Your video will be disclosed to your classmates in this course as a part of a YouTube playlist. You may turn your video into “private” or even delete the video after your letter grade for this course is assigned.


Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage