Topics in Geometry I
Course 9114001 Section 01, Spring 2021
09:00 - 11:50 for July 15, 16, 19, 20, 21
12:00 - 14:50 for July 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
15:00 - 17:50 for July 29, 30, August 02, 03, 04 at Room: E1-1 #140
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: By appointment -- due to COVID-19.
Syllabus: PDF
2021-08-04: Letter grades have been submitted. Enjoy your summer.
2021-07-29: Please see the email or the eCampus announcement on a remote final exam.
2021-07-23: Please see the email or the eCampus announcement on your PBL project.
2021-07-15: Welcome again! Youtube video lectures, problem sets, quizzes will be posted on CBNU eCampus.
2021-03-01: Welcome! Our first day of class is July 16th. Video lectures will be ready earlier than that and you will be informed by email.
Weekly Quizzes
For Problems and Solutions to Weekly Quizzes, go to CBNU eCampus (a.k.a. Blackboard)
Quiz 1 on July 15th. Due by July 16th.
Quiz 2 on July 16th. Due by July 17th.
Quiz 3 on July 19th. Due by July 20th.
Quiz 4 on July 20th. Due by July 21st.
Quiz 5 on July 21st. Due by July 22nd.
Quiz 6 on July 22nd. Due by July 23rd.
Quiz 7 on July 23rd. Due by July 24th.
Quiz 8 on July 26th. Due by July 27th.
Quiz 9 on July 27th. Due by July 28th.
Quiz 10 on July 28th. Due by July 29th.
Quiz 11 on July 29th. Due by July 30th.
Quiz 12 on July 30th. Due by July 31st.
Quiz 13 on August 2nd. Due by August 3rd.
Quiz 14 on August 3rd. Due by August 4th.
Exam Schedules
Final Exam: 04 August (Wednesday) at 16:00--17:40 taking place remotely. Submit your work by 18:00 either in-person to the instructor's office or by email. You are asked to hand-in a consent by email in prior to the exam. Please see the email or the eCampus announcement and the attached file.
- Coverage: All problems we have covered in this semester.
- Total 6 questions will be asked.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage