Topics in Geometry I
Course 9114001 Section 01, Spring 2020
Class meeting period 16.07.2020-05.08.2020
Mondays and Thursdays 09:00 - 11:50, Tuesdays and Fridays 12:00 - 14:50, Wednesdays 15:00 - 17:50, Room: E1-1 #140
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Mondays to Fridays except Wednesdays 15:00--16:00, Wednesdays 14:00--15:00 at E1-1 \#110 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF
2020-08-06: Letter grades have been submitted. Enjoy your summer.
2020-07-15: Welcome again! Starting tomorrow, Youtube video lectures, problem sets, quizzes will be posted on CBNU eCampus at 13:00 on every class meeting day, and the quiz for that day is due in 20 hours. Also, please check your email detailing attendance policies and other important announcements.
2020-03-07: Welcome! Our first day of class is July 16th.
Weekly Quizzes
For Problems and Solutions to Weekly Quizzes, go to CBNU eCampus (a.k.a. Blackboard)
Quiz 1 on July 16th is due on July 17th 09:00.
Quiz 2 on July 17th is due on July 18th 09:00.
Quiz 3 on July 20th is due on July 21st 09:00.
Quiz 4 on July 21st is due on July 22nd 09:00.
Quiz 5 on July 22nd is due on July 23rd 09:00.
Quiz 6 on July 23rd is due on July 24th 09:00.
Quiz 7 on July 24th is due on July 25th 09:00.
Quiz 8 on July 27th is due on July 28th 09:00.
Quiz 9 on July 28th is due on July 29th 09:00.
Quiz 10 on July 29th is due on July 30th 09:00.
Quiz 11 on July 30th is due on July 31st 09:00.
Quiz 12 on July 31st is due on August 1st 09:00.
Quiz 13 on August 3rd is due on August 4th 09:00.
Quiz 14 on August 4th is due on August 5th 09:00.
Quiz 15 on August 5th is due on August 6th 09:00.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage