Calculus II Laboratory
MAT 156 Section 03LB[51316], Spring 2014
Tuesdays 11:00AM - 12:40PM, Room: Gillet 223
CUNY Lehman College
Instructor: Byung Do Park
Office Hours: Thursdays 12:40 -- 1:40PM or by appointment. Set up an appointment by email for location.
Course Syllabus:
Section Syllabus: PDF
2014-05-25: Letter grades has been submitted. If you want to know how you did in your final exam, please email me by using your CUNY email account. Enjoy the summer!
2014-05-11: Please check out a schedule for Review Session offered by the tutoring center, MCSLC. It's in "Tutoring Information" section in the bottom of this page.
2014-04-16: I hope everyone is enjoying Spring break. We will meet again on Tuesday April 29th. Also check out the final exam schedule from below.
2014-02-24: The midterm exam will be given on March 4th, in class. Details are below.
2014-01-28: Please check out MAPLE resources section below.
2014-01-28: Please turn off the monitor and shut down the PC when you leave the lab. Thank you!
2014-01-28: Welcome!
Homework and Completed Project Files
The departmental course calendar contains a list of projects. Homework is completing these MAPLE project files. Problems are in the project file.
Lesson #1 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #2 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #3 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #4 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #5 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #6 Midterm Exam Problems in MW file, Midterm Exam Solutions MW file, Midterm Exam Solutions PDF file
Lesson #7 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #8 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #9 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF, and MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #10 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #11 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #12 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF, and MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #13 MW project file, MW worked out, PDF
Lesson #14 Problem session for MAT176 Calculus II departmental final exam.
Final Exam Final Exam Problems in MW file, Final Exam Solutions MW file, Final Exam Solutions PDF file
Exam Schedules
Midterm: March 4th(Tuesday), In-class.
The exam will cover from Lesson 1 to Lesson 5, and it will be elementary in the sense that as long as you understand how to solve those bold-face problems in the MW files we have been going over, you will be able to solve all problems in the exam. You will be allowed to open previous lab files during the exam. So if you wish, you can bring your MW files in your USB or download it from your email account or etc. If you don’t have your files available, and I am the only one who has your MW files, please email me back so that I can send it to you.
Final: May 20th 11:00AM--12:40PM(Tuesday), at Gillet 223(the same room).
We will follow the registrar's schedule for the final exam.
MAPLE Resources
There is an extra resource on MAPLE provided by the MCSLC. Here is the link and the memo from Professor Loric Madramootoo.
Also, there will be MAPLE program CD available in MCSLC. Please inquire to math lab, Gillet Room 222.
There is a CUNY Math contest open for all matriculated CUNY undergraduate students. If you are interested in problem solving, please see this page.
Tutoring information
If you wish to find assistance from departmental tutoring, please refer this document.
Review Session for Final Exam
The tutoring center(MCSLC) will offer a review session for students taking MAT176 as follows:
Date and Time: May 17th(Saturday), 12PM--4PM
Location: Gillet Room 311
I think the review session will focus on helping students to get better scores in the uniform departmental final exam. Please plan to attend!
Here is a document on review session.
Lehman College Calculus Webpage
Lehman College Math Department Homepage