Calculus I
MAT 175 Section B402[13968], Fall 2012
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00AM - 10:40AM, Room: Gillet 305
CUNY Lehman College
Instructor: Byung Do Park
Office Hours: By appointment.
Course Syllabus: PDF
Section Syllabus: PDF
2012-12-21: Letter grades are submitted.
2012-12-20: Grading of the final exam has been finished. Letter grades will be submitted soon. If you want to know your numeric scores, please email me by using your CUNY email account.
2012-12-11: There will be a Calculus Review Session offered by the MCSLC on Saturday December 15th, from 12PM to 4PM at Gillet 333.
2012-12-04: Homework #12 is posted below. This will be the last homework in this course. For those parts indicated as optional, you do not need to hand-in. Now it is a good timing to start looking at sample final exam and the practice problems for final. Feel free to email me at any time if you need help or wish to discuss about your solutions. I think we will be able to have exercise sessions during next week. It would be very good if you try all in these two problem sets over the weekend and ask questions during exercise sessions about anything that was unclear in your own attempt.
2012-11-28: One more practice problem set for the final exam and Homework #11 are posted below.
2012-11-23: A review sheet for the optional midterm exam is posted below. Even if you think your scores are fine, please consider taking this exam. It will be a good chance to have a through review for the final exam. Good luck to everyone who will take this exam.
2012-11-20: The optional midterm exam will be given on Friday, November 30th 10:00AM--11:40AM at Gillet 319. Note different time and room. Also check out Homework #9, #10 below.
2012-11-13: A solution of the midterm exam II is posted below. Following the departmental schedule for this course, the final exam will be given on Thursday, December 20th 8:30AM--10:30AM at Gillet 305, the same room. Note different time.
2012-11-10: To make-up lost class time due to hurricane Sandy, we will meet on CUNY reading day, Thursday, December 13th 2012, at the same time and location. This will be the last day of the class before the final exam. For another missing lesson, we will replace the last lesson scheduled for review by the optional midterm exam. The problems in this exam will be prepared to give you an opportunity to have a thorough review on materials in chapter 2 and 3 of the textbook, and thus it is a good idea to sign-up and take this exam. I will post the problems and solutions on this web page. Even if you cannot take this optional exam, you can have the same practice by looking at them.
2012-11-06: I wish to know how many of you are planning to take the optional midterm exam before scheduling it. This exam will cover the entire chapter 2 and chapter 3 we did in class. If this is your third midterm exam, then the lowest midterm score will be dropped. Please sign-up by email if you are planning to take, until November 14th 11:59PM. If you signed-up, please make sure you received a receipt from me. I will try to schedule the date, time and the location with those who signed-up.
2012-11-06: Homework #8 is posted. The second midterm exam is rescheduled as announced in today's class. It will be given on Tuesday November 13th, in class. A solution of Quiz 2 is posted below. See also details about how to make-up this quiz.
2012-10-31: The class of November 1st(Thu) has been cancelled by the university. As of now, we are meeting on Tuesday November 6th. I will send out email notices if there is any further change.
2012-10-29: We will not meet on October 30th(Tue) following the announcement of the university. Click here for more information. I will extend the due date of the Quiz 2 until the nearest class meeting from now. The second mid-term schedule might also need to be adjusted, but please allow me to make the decision after the situation is settled and the university comes up with make-up schedules. During the interval, keep studying by using the review sheet, and email me if you need help about any exercises or concepts.
2012-10-29: A review sheet for the midterm II is posted below. If our class schedule is affected by the coming hurricane Sandy, it will be posted on this webpage, and I will also send out email notices for you. As of now(3:10AM), there is no university-wide decision I have received about Tuesday October 30th.
2012-10-24: Homework #7 is posted. The second midterm exam will be given on November 8th, in class. Details about this exam will be announced later.
2012-10-19: Homework #6 is posted. There will be Quiz 2 on coming Tuesday. It will be a take-home quiz, and you will be asked to solve 10 problems within a week of interval.
2012-10-11: Homework #5 is posted.
2012-10-04: A solution of the midterm exam I is posted below. In Lesson 9, we discussed about the fixed point theorem for a continuous function from the unit interval into itself, and one of its ramifications. Here is a solution to the exercise discussed in class.
2012-09-28: Homework #4 is posted. A review sheet for the midterm I is also posted below. I started sending email notices by using the CUNY blackboard. If you are reading this right now and think that you did not receive any email from me, please let me know.
2012-09-21: A solution of Quiz 1 and comments are posted below. The next homework will be assigned after finishing the current section, but it is a good idea to start working on Lesson 7 problems in the course calendar.
2012-09-14: Homework #3 is posted. Also, there will be Quiz #1 on coming Thursday(September 20th). Details are posted below. The first midterm exam will be given on October 4th, in class. Details about this exam will be announced later.
2012-09-10: Check out new items on final exam and the pass/fail policy below.
2012-09-09: There are some more questions on the formal definition of limit, as we defined in Lesson 4, which you should think about. I will leave this note for your study, and will assume that you did so. On coming Tuesday(September 11th), we shall start talking about calculations of limits. The note also includes some comments on Homework #1.
2012-09-06: Homework #2 is posted below.
2012-09-03: There are no classes on September 18th(Tue) and September 25th(Tue), according to the academic calendar.
2012-09-03: If you need more explanation about #2 of Precalculus Quiz, study this note.
2012-08-28: Check out Homework #1 below.
2012-08-28: Welcome!
Homework #1 (Due: September 6th before class): Lesson 1, Lesson 2 from the course calendar.
Homework #2 (Due: September 13th before class): Lesson 3-4 from the course calendar.
Homework #3 (Due: September 20th before class): Lesson 5-6 from the course calendar.
Homework #4 (Due: Before the 1st midterm exam): Lesson 7-8 from the course calendar.
Homework #5 (Due: October 18th before class): Lesson 11-12 from the course calendar.
Homework #6 (Due: October 25th before class): Lesson 13-14 from the course calendar.
Homework #7 (Due: November 1st before class): Lesson 15 from the course calendar.
Homework #8 (Due: Before mid-term II): Lesson 16,17 and 18 from the course calendar.
Homework #9 (Due: November 27th before class): Lesson 21-22(Section 4.1) from the course calendar.
Homework #10 (Due: November 29th before class): Lesson 21-22(Section 4.3) from the course calendar.
Homework #11 (Due: December 6th before class): Lesson 23 from the course calendar.
Homework #12 (Due: December 13th before class): Lesson 24(Sec 8.7: Optional), Lesson 25, Lesson 26(Optional) and Lesson 27(Optional) from the course calendar.
Precalculus Assessment Quiz: PDF --- If you want your solution reviewed, or if you want to get ideas how to proceed those problems we did not go over together, you can hand-in your solution. It is a good idea to write down at which point you are not clear about the problem. We can repeat this several times until you are totally convinced. Also feel free to email me about your questions.
Quiz #1 (Section 2.2, 2.3) --- The quiz will consist of four problems with five questions total, which I think all are simple. Duration will be approximately 30 to 40 minutes, but it will actually take shorter than this. Thorough understanding of materials in the textbook will be the best preparation, and try to make sure that you can do examples and homework problems by yourself, without any hesitation. Repeat the training several times by working out similar exercises. Also if you think about those exercises which were assigned during classes, it will be very helpful in strengthening and solidifying your understanding. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any question during the interval. Good luck!
Here are Problems and Solutions. The average was 12.19 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 40. Here is what I suggest: Do these problems again, carefully and seamlessly, and hand-in your new solution no later than the first mid-term exam. Then I will change your score based on the new solution. I want you to fully master what was asked in this quiz. Try to make very clear in each step you are proceeding, by looking up the textbook and also the solution I posted. Discuss with your friends and ask me after class or by email. If you already received the full score for a problem, you don't need to do that again, but attach your original solution to the new one. To make sure, I will ask similar ideas in the first mid-term exam.
Quiz #2 (Section 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) --- Take-home quiz. Due: November 6th before class. Problems and Solutions. Make-up policy for this quiz is the same as Quiz 1. If you hand-in an update of your solution, I will change your score based on new one. You do not need to do problems you received a full score, but staple your new solution over the previous version. The average score will not be calculated, since I do not know when I can collect solutions from everyone, but as of today November 6th, the maximum was 80.
Exam Schedules
Midterm-I: October 4th(Thursday), In-class. A review sheet, Problems and Solutions. The average was 28.00 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 69.
Midterm-II: November 13th(Tuesday), In-class. A review sheet, Problems and Solutions. The average was 18.63 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 79.
Midterm-III(Optional): November 30th(Friday) 10:00AM--11:40AM, Room: Gillet 319. I will receive sign-up until 48 hours before the exam. Make sure you received a reply for your sign-up email as a receipt. A review sheet, Problems and Solutions. The average was 28.14 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 57.
Final: December 20th 8:30AM--10:30AM(Thursday), at Gillet 305(the same room).
The final exam will be the uniform departmental final exam: A sample final exam. To pass this course, one should receive score 55% or up from this uniform final exam. Here is one more problem set for practice. Also check out the calculus webpage for relevant information which are(or will be) posted.
Tutoring information
If you wish to find assistance from departmental tutoring, please refer this document.
The MCSLC offers a Calculus Review Session to help for the final exam. Please see this document for relevant information.
Lehman College Calculus Webpage
Lehman College Math Department Homepage