Geometry and education
Course 7412062 Section 01, Fall 2019
Tuesdays 13:00 - 13:50, Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:50, Room: E1-1 #136
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Mondays 16:00--17:00 at E1-1 #110 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF
2019-12-23: Letter grades have been submitted. Happy Holidays!
2019-12-07: The course evaluation deadline has been extended to next Friday, 13th December. Please participate! Announcement.
2019-12-05: Please participate in course evaluation this week. Please read the announcement.
2019-12-05: The recorded video of your mock teaching has sent via Google Drive link.
2019-11-21: Solutions to Quiz #12 and solutions to weekly problems are now on CBNU eCampus.
2019-11-21: Solutions to Quiz #9, 10, 11 and solutions to weekly problems are now on CBNU eCampus.
2019-11-06: Course evaluation deadline has been extended to this Friday. Please participate! Announcement.
2019-10-28: Please participate in course evaluation this week. Please read the announcement.
2019-10-28: Solutions to Quiz #7, #8 have been posted on CBNU eCampus. Also find notes from the "Special Lecture on National Examination -- Differential Geometry."
2019-10-12: Solutions to Quiz #6 and notes on congruence of curves are now on CBNU eCampus.
2019-10-08: Solutions to Quiz #5 and solutions to 2020 mock test problems are now on CBNU eCampus.
2019-09-29: Solutions to Quiz #3, #4 have been posted on CBNU eCampus. Also find notes on Gauss-Bonnet theorem and an application of Darboux frame field.
2019-09-15: Solutions to Quiz #2 has been posted on CBNU eCampus. Also find a note on "When can you use Dupin's indicatrix and when cannot? If not, how can you find principal directions?" A post on National Exam related FAQ is also available. We will learn more about Gauss-Bonnet theorem during Week 3, and a note on that will be posted after we finish our discussion.
2019-09-15: Solutions to Quiz #1 has been moved to CBNU eCampus.
2019-09-08: Solutions to Quiz #1 has been posted below.
2019-09-01: Welcome!
Weekly Quizzes
For Problems and Solutions to Weekly Quizzes, go to CBNU eCampus (a.k.a. Blackboard)
Quiz 1 on September 4th.
Quiz 2 on September 11th.
Quiz 3 on September 18th.
Quiz 4 on September 25th.
Quiz 5 on October 2nd.
Quiz 6 on October 10th.
Quiz 7 on October 16th.
Quiz 8 on October 23th.
Quiz 9 on October 30th.
Quiz 10 on November 7th.
Quiz 11 on November 13th.
Quiz 12 on November 20th.
List of advanced topics in geometry
Nearing the end of the semester (Weeks 13, 14, and 15), you are expected to be able to to one of the following:
- A statement and a proof of Stokes' theorem using differential forms
- Maxwell's equation and abelian gauge theory
- A proof of the theorem of Morse
- Lie groups, Lie algebras, and adjoint representations
- Weekly mock teaching practice. Three topics from middle and high school geometry of your choice. For each topic, you will give a 20-minute long mock lecture in each week. Your lecture will be video-recorded and openly discussed in class. After that the recorded video file will be deleted of course.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage