Geometry for teachers II
Course 7412075 Section 01, Fall 2019
Mondays 10:00 - 11:50, Tuesdays 10:00 - 10:50, Room: E1-1 #140
Chungbuk National University
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Mondays 16:00--17:00 at E1-1 #110 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF
2019-12-23: Letter grades have been submitted. Happy Holidays!
2019-12-07: Final exam announcement The detail has been posted below.
2019-12-07: Check out Homework #10 below.
2019-12-07: The course evaluation deadline has been extended to next Friday, 13th December. Please participate! Announcement.
2019-12-05: Please participate in course evaluation this week. Please read the announcement.
2019-11-18: Check out Homework #8, #9 below.
2019-11-06: Course evaluation deadline has been extended to this Friday. Please participate! Announcement.
2019-11-03: Your midterm papers are graded. You are welcome to visit my office to pick up your graded paper. Otherwise, it will be given out on our next class meeting. You will have to sign upon receipt.
2019-10-28: Please participate in course evaluation this week. Please read the announcement.
2019-10-19: Midterm exam announcement has been posted below.
2019-10-19: Check out Homework #7 below.
2019-10-11: Check out Homework #6 below.
2019-10-11: Group activity assignment has been posted below.
2019-10-11: Midterm Exam will be given on the first Monday after we finish covering Chapter 3.
2019-10-11: Here is a very nice collection of math videos. Link Please watch Chapter 1 and Chapter 9, hopefully before coming Monday's class. You might want to watch other chapters as well as you learn more about geometry and topology.
2019-10-06: Check out Homework #5 below.
2019-09-27: Check out Homework #4 below.
2019-09-20: Check out Homework #3 below.
2019-09-18: Announcement -- Student groups for group presentation. PDF Be sure to check your email inbox.
2019-09-14: Check out Homework #2 below.
2019-09-08: Homework #1 has been posted below.
2019-09-01: Welcome!
Problems are taken from end-of-section exercises.
Homework #1 13 problems. Due Date: September 18th.
Exercise 1.1. in p.8 #2
Exercise 1.2. in p.13 #3, 5, 6, 8, 13
Exercise 1.3. in p.15 #1, 2, 3, 7, 8
Exercise 1.4. in p.20 #1, 2
Homework #2 10 problems. Due Date: September 25th.
Exercise 1.5. in p.22 #1, 3
Exercise 1.7. in p.30 #2, 5, 8
A Quiz on Chap. 1 in p.34 #2, 3, 4, 5, 7
Homework #3 10 problems. Due Date: October 2nd.
Exercise 2.1. in p.45 #1, 2a, 2c, 3
Exercise 2.2. in p.48 #4, 5c, 5d, 6
Exercise 2.3. in p.51 #1, 3
Homework #4 2 problems. Due Date: October 8th.
Exercise 2.4. in p.55 #1, 3
Homework #5 7 problems. Due Date: October 15th.
Exercise 2.5. in p.61 #1, 2
Exercise 3.1. in p.68 #1, 2, 3, additional problems
Homework #6 9 problems. Due Date: October 22nd.
Exercise 3.2. in p.71 #2
Exercise 3.3. in p.73 #3
Exercise 3.4. in p.75 #1, 2. Also prove Corollaries 1 and 2 on the same page.
Exercise 3.5. in p.78 #1, 3, 4.
Homework #7 6 problems. Due Date: October 28th.
Exercise 3.6. in p.85 #1, 2, 4
Exercise 3.8. in p.93 #1, 2
Exercise 3.9. in p.94
Homework #8 7 problems. Due Date: November 25th.
Exercise 4.1. in p.104 #1, 3, 6
Exercise 4.2. in p.110 #2, 4, 5, 6
Homework #9 5 problems. Due Date: November 30th.
Exercise 4.4. in p.117 #2, 4, 6
Exercise 4.5. in p.123 #3, 5
Homework #10 5 problems. Due Date: December 16th.
Exercise 5.1. in p.135 #3
Exercise 5.2. in p.139 #1
Exercise 5.3. in p.140 #1
Exercise 5.4. in p.146 #1, 4
Exam Schedules
Midterm Exam: 28 October (Monday), In-class.
- Coverage: Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
- Total 8 questions. There will be one set of True/False questions (Please note that you get full credit if you are correct, no credit for no answer, and negative of the assigned score if your answer to this question is incorrect.), 3 questions which are identical or directly related to homework problems, and remaining 4 questions are from those discussed in class. This exam would gear toward giving advantages to those who were carefully following class discussions while keeping a good pace of doing homework.
- We still meet on 29 October (Tuesday) as scheduled for a regular class meeting.
Here are Problems and Solutions. The average was 46.93 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 95.
- If you think you did not get a score you deserve, you are welcome to dispute. Please do that no later than 18:00 of the day before your final exam day.
Final Exam: 16 December (Monday), In-class.
- Coverage: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 (only those sections covered in class).
- Total 8 questions. The style and focus of the exam will be similar to the midterm exam. Chapters 1, 2, and 3 will be only indirectly covered in this exam to the extent that the exam assumes everything we studied together in this course. Exam problems will be mostly from those materials we studied after the midterm exam.
Group activity
Nearing the end of the semester, you are expected to be able to prove the 48 Propositions of Euclid's Book I assigned as follows. During the group presentation session, each group will be asked to prove selected propositions. Each speaker may use notes or other necessary references and is expected to present the statement of the proposition, proof, relevant remarks such as existing flaws.
Group 1: Book I, Propositions 1 to 12
Group 2: Book I, Propositions 13 to 24
Group 3: Book I, Propositions 25 to 36
Group 4: Book I, Propositions 37 to 48
You may consult available monograph like Euclid's "Elements" but you do not have to purchase this book. A reading copy will be available for you to borrow from your instructor.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
CBNU Mathematics Education Department Homepage