Calculus with Analytic Geometry 2
MATH 155 Section 08 [60330], Fall 2015
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:35PM - 9:25PM, Room: HW603
CUNY Hunter College
Instructor: Byung Do Park          Email: 
Office Hours: By appointment.
Course Syllabus: PDF
Section Syllabus: PDF
2015-12-28: Letter grades has been submitted. Merry Christmas and happy new year!
2015-12-28: A solution to the Exam III has been posted below.
2015-12-18: The grading has been done, and I have assigned letter grades to each total score. If you want to know your final exam score as well as assigned letter grade, you can email me using your CUNY email address. After receiving your score, you can review how grading is done and dispute about the assigned letter grade if you wish. I will do my best to discuss with you in an impartial manner. I am planning on finishing all the above procedures by Dec. 24th.
2015-12-10: Thank you for following well until the last lesson. I wish all the best for your finals. I can help you preparing for final for this course in the following ways: (1) If you want to consult your own solution with me, please take a photo or scan it and email it to me. Then I will comment on it. (2) If you need to see a written solution by me, email me with the problem number you are struggling with. I will write down a solution and email you back. (3) I will be around at Hunter or CUNY Graduate Center for work. You can email me to set up an appointment for in-person discussion.
2015-12-10: Here is a solution to Problem #2 in review problem set for final exam. For the final exam, mastering this problem in special case when a=b=R would be enough. Also, here is a solution to Problem #6 (1)
2015-11-30: Reminder: Our final exam (= Exam III) will be given on December 17th, at 6:20pm. Location: the same. Duration: 2 hours.
2015-11-20: The Deadline for ALL MyMathlab Homework is December 17th, 11:59PM.
2015-11-20: A solution to the Exam II has been posted below.
2015-11-20: MyMathLab Homework for Sections 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 has been posted.
2015-11-16: Zach McGuirk has substituted me on November 10th and November 12th due to an extended emergency. I will return on November 17th.
2015-11-01: MyMathLab Homework for Sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 has been posted.
2015-10-27: The Exam II will be given on November 5th, in class. Details are below.
2015-10-27: Due to a family emergency, Seungwon Kim will substitute me on October 29th, November 3rd, and November 5th. I will be available via email.
2015-10-25: MyMathLab Homework for Section 8.5 and Section 8.8 has been posted.
2015-10-15: MyMathLab Homework for Section 8.3 and Section 8.4 has been posted.
2015-10-08: A solution to the Exam I has been posted below. There is no pass/fail policy on Exam I. If you think your result does not meet your satisfaction, study hard for next exam.
2015-10-04: MyMathLab Homework for Section 8.1 and Section 8.2 has been posted.
2015-10-01: We will have a review session for Exam I in the beginning of October 6th meeting. We will go over the problem set I attached below (and sent you via email).
2015-09-30: MyMathLab Homework for Section 7.6 has been posted.
2015-09-26: The Exam I will be given on October 8th, in class. Details are below.
2015-09-26: MyMathLab Homework for Section 7.2 and Section 7.5 has been posted.
2015-09-18: MyMathLab Homework for Section 7.1 has been posted. No class scheduled on Tuesday September 22nd. We will meet on Thursday the 24th. Note also that the 25th is CUNY Tuesday. We will meet.
2015-09-08: MyMathLab Homework for Section 6.6 has been posted. Thursday September 10th is CUNY Monday, and no class scheduled on Tuesday September 15th. We will meet on Thursday the 17th.
2015-09-03: MyMathLab Homework for Section 6.3 and Section 6.5 has been posted.
2015-08-27: Check out Homework #1 below.
2015-08-27: Welcome!
Each student should create an ID for MyMathLab and registered for the course with a particular course ID. The course ID is park81066. Here is a handout describing the registration procedure.
MyMathLab Homework #1 Section 6.3. (Due: September 18th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #2 Section 6.5. (Due: September 18th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #3 Section 6.6. (Due: September 24th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #4 Section 7.1. (Due: October 3rd 11:59PM) Sections 6.4., 6.7. are optional, i.e., will not be graded.
MyMathLab Homework #5 Section 7.2., 7.5. (Due: October 11th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #6 Section 7.6. (Due: October 15th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #7 Section 8.1., 8.2. (Due: October 18th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #8 Section 8.3., 8.4. (Due: October 30th 11:59PM) Sections 8.6., 8.7. are optional, i.e., will not be graded.
MyMathLab Homework #9 Section 8.5., 8.8. (Due: November 9th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #10 Section 9.1., 9.2., 9.3. (Due: November 17th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #11 Section 9.4., 9.5., 9.6. (Due: December 17th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #12 Section 10.1., 10.2., 10.3., 10.4. (Due: December 17th 11:59PM)
MyMathLab Homework #13 Section 11.1., 11.2., 11.3. (Due: December 17th 11:59PM)
Classical Homework
Homework #1 (Due: September 17th) PDF
Exam Schedules
Exam I: October 8th (Thursday), In-class.
- Sections 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.5, 7.6, 8.1, 8.2 will be covered.
- Total 10 questions. One question from each section.
- Problems will be mostly taken from the exercises at the end of each of section.
- If you go over examples we discussed in class and try yourself a couple of similar calculations using those sets of exercises, that will be an optimal preparation.
- Here is a set of Review Problems for Exam I.
Here is the Problems and Solutions.
The average was 45.96 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 97.
Exam II: November 5th (Thursday), In-class.
- Sections 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 will be covered.
- Total 10 questions. Two questions from Sec. 8.4, 8.8. One question from each of remaining sections.
- Problems will be mostly taken from simple examples and simple exercises at the end of each of section.
- If you go over examples we discussed in class and try yourself a couple of similar calculations using those sets of exercises, that will be an optimal preparation.
- Here is a set of Review Problems for Exam II.
Here is the Problems and Solutions.
The average was 70.12 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 99.
Exam III (Final): December 17th (Thursday), 6:20-8:20 pm, at the same class room. Note different time!
- The entire course material on the syllabus will be covered (except those I excluded in previous exams).
- Style, difficulties, format of the exam will be very similar to the Review Problem Set attached below.
- The exam measures not only you understand the material, but also how promptly you can come up with key ideas.
- Here is a set of Review Problems for Exam III.
Here is the Problems and Solutions.
The average was 59.23 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 91.
In coming Spring 2016, I will be teaching MATH250-02: Calculus with Analytic Geometry 3 meeting Mondays and Wednesdays 5:35PM -- 7:25PM. All are very welcome!
Tutoring information
If you need an assistance from departmental tutoring, please visit the Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center.
Hunter College Math Department Homepage