Calculus I
MAT 175 Section C401[19514], Fall 2013
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00AM - 12:40PM, Room: Gillet 305
CUNY Lehman College
Instructor: Byung Do Park
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:40 -- 1:40PM or by appointment. Set up an appointment by email for location.
Course Syllabus:
PDF. Here is the previous version of the syllabus(based on 4th edition of the textbook).
Section Syllabus: PDF
2013-12-21: Grading of the final exam has been finished. Letter grades will be submitted on December 24th, after an emergency make-up is also over. If you want to know your numeric scores or have a good reason that you have to know your letter grade before December 24th, please email me by using your CUNY email account. Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
2013-12-20: The final exam will be graded as time permits, and I am planning to finish it no later than December 24th 11PM. Around that time, I will be able to respond all inquiries about the numeric score and pass/fail status. I will post further updates here.
2013-12-11: Please check out a schedule for Review Session offered by the tutoring center, MCSLC. It's in "Tutoring Information" section in the bottom of this page.
2013-12-03: A solution of the midterm exam III is posted below.
2013-11-27: There is no class on November 28th(Thu). Happy Thanksgiving day!
2013-11-27: Here is a solution to the example on optimization problem discussed in class, which I could not finish since I was running out of time in yesterday's class.
2013-11-23: I will be teaching MAT156: Calculus II Lab in Spring 2014, which is a corequisite course of MAT176: Calculus II. All are very welcome!
2013-11-23: The third midterm exam will be given on December 3rd, in class. Details are already posted.
2013-11-18: Homework #9, #10 are posted below.
2013-11-08: A solution of the midterm exam II is posted below. Information about the third midterm exam is posted below. The date is TBA. There is a PDF file available for view and download in Midterm Exam III section. This document will be provided in class as a handout.
2013-10-26: Homework #7, #8 are posted below. The second midterm exam will be given on November 7th, in class. Details are already posted.
2013-10-18: Solutions to Sample Final Exam 1 is posted below. Information about the second midterm exam is posted below. The date is TBA.
2013-10-14: Homework #6 is posted below.
2013-10-08: Grading is done. The average and maximum is posted below.
2013-10-03: A solution of the midterm exam I is posted below. The average and maximum will be posted as soon as grading is done.
2013-09-26: Here is a solution to the exercise discussed in class. We discussed this in Lesson 8.
2013-09-25: Homework #5 is posted below. The first midterm exam will be given on October 3rd, in class. Details are below.
2013-09-20: Homework #4 is posted below.
2013-09-13: Homework #3 is posted below.
2013-09-11: Homework #2 is posted below. Here is a discussion on one of problems in Homework #1.
2013-09-05: If you want to know the solution to the exercise discussed in Lesson 2, click here.
2013-09-05: Information about departmental tutoring and using old editions of the course textbook are posted below.
2013-09-05: There is no class on September 5th(Thu), according to the academic calendar.
2013-08-27: Check out Homework #1 below.
2013-08-27: Welcome!
Homework #1 (Due: September 10th before class): Lesson 1 from the course calendar.
Homework #2 (Due: September 17th before class): Lesson 2 from the course calendar.
Homework #3 (Due: September 24th before class): Lesson 3-4 from the course calendar.
Homework #4 (Due: September 26th before class): Lesson 5-6 from the course calendar.
Homework #5 (Due: Before Midterm exam I): Lesson 7, Lesson 8 from the course calendar.
Homework #6 (Due: October 22nd before class): Lesson 11, Lesson 12, and Lesson 13 from the course calendar.
Homework #7 (Due: October 31st before class): Lesson 14, Lesson 15 from the course calendar.
Homework #8 (Due: Before Midterm exam II): Lesson 16, Lesson 17-18 from the course calendar.
Homework #9 (Due: November 26th before class): Lesson 21-22, Lesson 23 from the course calendar.
Homework #10 (Due: Before Midterm exam III): Lesson 24, Lesson 25 from the course calendar.
Precalculus Assessment Test
Here are problems and solutions to the assessment test given in Lesson 1.
Exam Schedules
Midterm-I: October 3rd(Thursday), In-class.
- Based on the course calendar, from Lesson 1 to Lesson 10 will be covered, but all precalculus materials(Chapter 1/Trigonometry review) will be excluded.
- There will be 17 problems(100 points total).
- In sample final exams, only a small portion of problems fall into the coverage of this midterm exam. Related problems in the sample final exams are as follows:
Sample Final 1: #8, #9, #16 (This exam was distributed in hardcopy, and also available from below)
Sample Final 2: #7, #14
Practice Problem Set: #6, #7, #8
- No problem will be completely identical to sample final exams or homework problems. At least, numbers will be changed.
- Part I consists of 10 problems(5 points each). Among the sample final type questions(problem numbers above), 8 questions will be asked, and the other 2 problems are simple calculations which are not precisely found from those sample exams, but won't be a surprise even if such a type shows up in the actual final exam.
- Part II consists of 7 problems. First 4 problems(5 points each) are calculations which are not of sample final type, but are either very simple or something one needs to master at this point, to handle one of sample final type questions arises in the next chapter on differentiation. Remaining 3 problems ask proofs(10 points each), but here is information about what's going to be asked. All these three questions are conceptually very essential in grasping what you learned in this chapter about limits.
Here are Problems and Solutions. The average was 44.7 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 92. Regardless of one's exam score, everyone must completely master Part I problems in this exam, especially because those are problems presumably one cannot avoid if one wants to get passed from MAT175. If you think you didn't do very well in Part I, I suggest visiting the tutoring center(Gillet 222) and receive help from tutors(for free!). Those tutors should be very helpful, knowledgeable, patient and etc. So they won't disappoint you. If they did, please let me know.
Midterm-II: November 7th(Thursday), In-class.
- Based on the course calendar, from Lesson 11 to Lesson 20 will be covered.
- There will be 18 problems(100 points total).
- No problem will be completely identical to sample final exams or homework problems. At least, numbers will be changed.
- Note that 50% of both Sample Final Exams(1 and 2) fall into the coverage of this midterm exam. Related problems in the sample final exams are as follows:
Sample Final 1:
Definition of the derivative: #15
Power rule, derivative of trigonometric and exponential functions: #1, #2, #3
Velocity and acceleration: #12
Product and quotient rules: #5
The chain rule: #6
Implicit differentiation: #4
Related rates: #10
Sample Final 2: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #10, #11, #13
Practice Problem Set: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #9, #13, #14, #15, #16, #18
- The best strategy would be focusing on the above list of problems in sample finals, and using textbook for more examples and practice problems.
Here are Problems and Solutions. The average was 38.6 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 75.
Midterm-III: December 3rd(Tuesday), In-class.
- Based on the course calendar, from Lesson 21 to Lesson 27 will be covered.
- There will be 12 problems(100 points total).
In the coverage of this exam, there are only a few sample final problems, but note that a large portion of 10-point-worth problems are asked in this part. There are three typical types(Problem numbers are from Sample Final 1):
Finding absolute maximum and minimum values: #13
Finding all relative extrema: #14
Finding inflection points and determination of concavity: #11
Calculations of infinite limits: #7, Sample Final 2-#9
Sample Final 2: #8, #9, #12, #15, #16
Practice Problem Set: #10, #11, #12, #17
- In this exam, all problems will be of these types.
Beware that this exam will be difficult, and may take long time to finish, just because the corresponding sample final exam problems are so. It is strongly discouraged if you are planning to come and take this exam without enough practice. Since problems themselves are involved, please refer the following PDF file: Midterm Exam III Practice Problems. All 8 problems in this PDF file will be asked identically in this exam.
Here are Problems and Solutions. The average was 76.3 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 97.
Final: December 19th 11:00AM--1:00PM(Thursday), at Gillet 305(the same room). We will follow the registrar's schedule for the final exam.
The final exam will be the uniform departmental final exam: A sample final exam and a solution. Sample final exam 2. To pass this course, one should receive score 55% or up from this uniform final exam. Here is a practice problem set. Also check out the calculus webpage for relevant information which are(or will be) posted.
In coming Spring 2014, I will be teaching MAT156: Calculus II Lab in Spring 2014, meeting Tuesdays 11:00AM--12:40PM. All are very welcome!
Tutoring information
If you wish to find assistance from departmental tutoring, please refer this document.
Review Session for Final Exam
The tutoring center(MCSLC) will offer a review session for students taking MAT175 as follows:
Date and Time: December 14th(Saturday), 12PM--4PM
Location: Gillet Room 333
I think the review session will focus on helping students to get better scores in the uniform departmental final exam. Please plan to attend!
Here are a document on review session and a document on operating hours of MCSLC(I know this document requires some imagination).
About using old editions of course textbook
As it is explicitly stated in the departmental MAT175 syllabus I distributed as a hardcopy(as of now 2013-09-05 3:00AM, the link in the top of this page provides old syllabus based on 4th edition), you can use 4th edition of the course textbook. If you are a 4th edition user, you can do one of the following for numberings of homework: (1) Here is a syllabus based on the 4th edition. You can use this syllabus to find which problems you should work out in your 4th edition. (2) The hardcopy version of MAT175 syllabus I distributed contains problem numbers in the 5th edition. You can ignore the fact that this is based on the 5th edition, and instead think of it as a syllabus for the 4th edition.
To avoid any disadvantages to an old edition user, I will try not to make any part of exams identical to problems in any particular edition. At minimum, I will change numbers randomly.
Lehman College Calculus Webpage
Lehman College Math Department Homepage