Vector Analysis
MATH 255 Section 01 [1955], Spring 2017
Tuesdays and Fridays 2:10PM - 3:25PM, Room: HW409
CUNY Hunter College
Instructor: Dr. Byungdo Park          Email: 
Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:30--12:30 at HE924 or by appointment.
Syllabus: PDF (Updated)
2017-05-28: Letter grades have been submitted. Have a wonderful summer!
2017-05-15: FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to administrative reasons, our final exam has to take place on Tuesday 23rd May 2017, 11:30--13:30 at HW409.
2017-05-14: Graduate Research Opportunities for Women, 2017 will be held from October 13th to October 15th at Northwestern University. If you are interested in applying and need a letter of recommendation, please contact me.
2017-05-14: Selected solutions to Homework #8, #9, and #10 have been posted below. Many thanks to Justin, Sun, Aunti, Tina, and Wenjie for sharing their solutions!
2017-05-13: Homework #12 has been posted below.
2017-05-12: Minor revisions to the final exam review sheet was made. Please check it out.
2017-05-05: Selected solutions to Homework #7 have been posted below. Many thanks to Emily and Ozge for sharing their solutions!
2017-05-03: There were several inquiries asking if I can offer any opportunity to boost midterm exam score. I will do that by giving an optional oral exam. Please find relevant information from Exam Schedules section below.
2017-05-01: Final exam review problems have been posted below.
2017-04-28: Final Exam Announcement has been posted below in Exam Schedules section.
2017-04-28: Homework #10 and #11 have been posted below.
2017-04-26: Homework #9 has been posted below.
2017-04-09: Homework #8 has been posted below.
2017-04-03: After finishing Section 8.4. Gauss' divergence theorem, we shall cover topics from a thin yellow book by do Carmo. Please see the updated course syllabus above.
2017-04-02: Selected solutions to Homework #6 have been posted below. Many thanks to Aidin, Tina, and Dariusz for sharing their solutions!
2017-04-01: Homework #7 has been posted below.
2017-03-29: Midterm exam solution has been posted below.
2017-03-19: Selected solutions to Homework #5 have been posted below. Many thanks to Ying and Michele for sharing their solutions!
2017-03-18: Solutions to midterm review problems have been posted below.
2017-03-17: Selected solutions to Homework #4 have been posted below. Many thanks to Justin and Sun for sharing their solutions!
2017-03-14: Hunter College will be closed on Tuesday Mar. 14th due to snow storm. Obviously we do not meet today. Make-up schedule will be announced later. The midterm exam will be given on Friday, March 24th.
2017-03-10: Midterm Exam Announcement has been posted below in Exam Schedules section.
2017-03-10: Homework #6 has been posted below.
2017-03-08: Selected solutions to Homework #3 have been posted below. Many thanks to Christina and Ozge for sharing their solutions!
2017-03-04: Selected solutions to Homework #2 have been posted below. Many thanks to Wenjie and Fortino for sharing their solutions!
2017-03-03: Homework #5 has been posted below.
2017-02-26: Please see an advertisement on CUNY GC MathFest below.
2017-02-26: Homework #4 has been posted below.
2017-02-24: On Tuesday Feb. 28, I have to go to another college for giving a research talk. Another instructor, Prof. Alice Kwon, will substitute me for that day.
2017-02-24: During the week of Feb. 27th, my office hour originally scheduled on Feb. 28th will be held on Friday, March 3rd 11:30--12:30 at HE924.
2017-02-19: Selected solutions to Homework #1 have been posted below. Many thanks to Dariusz and Michele for sharing their solutions!
2017-02-17: Homework #3 has been posted below.
2017-02-14: There is Undergraduate Workshop in Geometry and Topology, 2017 from July 31st to August 4th at the University of Notre Dame. If you are interested in applying and need a letter of recommendation, please contact me.
2017-02-10: Homework #2 has been posted below.
2017-02-03: Homework #1 has been posted below.
2017-01-30: Welcome!
Problems are taken from end-of-section exercises.
Homework #1 15 problems Due Date: Feb. 17th
Section 4.3. Exercises 7, 8, 16, 17, 21, 24, 27
Section 4.4. Exercises 4, 7, 14, 17, 21, 23, 26, 27
Selected solutions --- Dariusz Siergiejuk
Selected solutions --- Michele Kholodova
Homework #2 12 problems Due Date: Feb. 24th
Section 4.4. Exercises 24, 25, 30, 33, 34, 38
Section 7.1. Exercises 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19
Selected solutions --- Wenjie Liu
Selected solutions --- Fortino Flores
Homework #3 9 problems Due Date: Mar. 3rd
Section 7.2. Exercises 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 17, 18
Selected solutions --- Christina Valente
Selected solutions --- Ozge Ay
Homework #4 11 problems Due Date: Mar. 10th
Section 7.3. Exercises 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20
Selected solutions --- Justin Lim
Selected solutions --- Sun Kim
Homework #5 16 problems Due Date: Mar. 17th
Section 7.4. Exercises 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 22
Section 7.5. Exercises 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 18, 23, 24
Selected solutions --- Michele Kholodova
Selected solutions --- Ying Shao
Homework #6 12 problems Due Date: Mar. 24th
Section 7.6. Exercises 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17, 22
Section 7.7. Exercises 1, 6, 7, 9, 10
Selected solutions --- Aidin Murtha
Selected solutions --- Tina Chin
Selected solutions --- Dariusz Siergiejuk
Homework #7 10 problems Due Date: Apr. 21st
Section 8.1. Exercises 6, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28
Selected solutions --- Emily Asaro
Selected solutions --- Ozge Ay
Homework #8 8 problems Due Date: Apr. 21st
Section 8.2. Exercises 4, 12, 15, 16, 24, 26, 29, 31
Selected solutions --- Justin Lim
Selected solutions --- Sun Kim
Homework #9 10 problems Due Date: May 9th
Section 8.3. Exercises 2, 4ac, 8, 13, 16, 20, 22, 26, 27a, 29
Selected solutions --- Tina Chin
Selected solutions --- Aunti Debi
Homework #10 10 problems Due Date: May 12th
Section 8.4. Exercises 5, 7, 9b, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 28
Selected solutions --- Aunti Debi
Selected solutions --- Wenjie Liu
Homework #11 PDF Due Date: May 12th
Homework #12 PDF No need to hand-in.
Exam Schedules
Midterm Exam: March 24th (Friday), In-class.
- Sections 4.3, 4.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7 will be covered.
- Total 9 problems. One problem from each section.
- The format and problem styles will be very similar to the review sheet.
- If you master all problems in the review sheet, that will be optimal preparation for this exam. If you have time, go over homework problems again.
- Here is a set of Review Problems for Midterm Exam (A hardcopy of this PDF will be given) Solutions.
- Here is the Problems and Solutions.
The average was 83.86 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 100.
Optional Oral Exam: Please see this application form for details and policies.
Final Exam: May 23rd (Tuesday), 11:30--13:30 at HW409. --Note change of date and time
Note that May 19th is CUNY reading day and we will meet regardless.
- The final exam will be cumulative.
- Total 10 problems. The format and style will be very similar to the review sheet.
- If you master all problems in the review sheet, that will be optimal preparation for this exam. If you have time, go over homework problems again.
- Here is a set of Review Problems for Final Exam (A hardcopy of this PDF will be given). Updated on May 12th.
- Here is the Problems and Solutions.
The average was 62.96 and the maximum score achieved by a student was 88.
Tutoring information
If you need an assistance from departmental tutoring, please visit the Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center.
Here is a handout for Math 255 students. Please take a look. It has useful information about tutoring hours and etc.
There is a CUNY Math contest open for all matriculated CUNY undergraduate students. If you are interested in problem solving, please see this page.
On Friday the 10th of March, there will be a math event at the CUNY Graduate Center. Normally there are free lunch and foods as well as travel reimbursement. Here is a PDF for more information.
Webpage of Byungdo Park
Hunter College Math Department Homepage